The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Solution™ Affiliate Program Pays 75% commissions on every referred sale = $26.31 per sale!
Our affiliate program is managed through ClickBank will issue your paychecks based on their payment schedule (see for details).
Sign up for our email list and receive important updates and news regarding our products. We will also let you know when we're launching a new product. All of our products are developed to be top converting market leaders. You don't want to miss these! The faster you get on a new product the more advantage you will have over other affiliates.
This is not a promotional list. It's strictly business for news and updates about our products. We will NEVER share or sell your name and email address, and we will not bombard you with emails.
Affiliate Links
- You need to replace xxxxx with your Clickbank ID
- If you want to use custom tracking, you need to append &tid=TRACK1 at the very end of the hoplink, replacing TRACK1 with your tracking id
STANDARD HOP LINK: this hoplink will take your visitors to the standard landing page, i.e. with an exit pop-up offering $10 discount:
If your clickbank ID is "jeff2" and you want to send your visitors to the standard landing page, your hoplink would be:
If you also want to use custom tracking, with tracking code "squarebanner", then your hoplink would be:
If you need help setting up your hoplinks, simply get in touch!
Note About Cloaking: we will cloak your hoplink for you (it will not show ?hop=yourclickbankID in your address bar). This increases conversion rates. However, rest assured that your hops are still being passed on. To check, click 'order', and you'll see your hoplink in small text at the bottom of the order page.
Articles, Emails Swipes & Press Release
->> Click here to download articles, email swipes, and a press release <<-
(zip file)
Tip: Offer these articles as a free email mini-course! An email mini-course managed by an autoresponder is one of the most effective methods of generating sales and building a targeted email list. Here's the steps to setting up such a mini-course:
1. On your page, offer your visitors a free 3-5 part email mini-course. Provide an opt-in form through which your visitors enter their name and email address to subscribe to this course.
2. Use an autoresponder software to automatically send the visitor a pre-written email lesson. Send the first one immediately after the visitor opts-in (together with a thank you message), and subsequent lessons each day thereafter. Insert a reference to the product with your affiliate link in each lesson.
Simply right click and choose "Save As" to download the images to your computer or, copy and paste the Html codes and use them on your websites, blogs or other campaigns.
Copy The Code From The Box and Replace xxxx with your ClickBank affiliate ID

Copy The Code From The Box and Replace xxxx with your ClickBank affiliate ID

Copy The Code From The Box and Replace xxxx with your ClickBank affiliate ID

Copy The Code From The Box and Replace xxxx with your ClickBank affiliate ID

Copy The Code From The Box and Replace xxxx with your ClickBank affiliate ID

Copy The Code From The Box and Replace xxxx with your ClickBank affiliate ID

Simply right click and choose "Save As" to download the images to your computer.

Click here to download png version.
Pay Per Click Advertisement
Pay Per Click advertisement is a form of advertising where Advertisers pay for visitors on a cost per click basis. The advertiser create small adverts that go live immediately and can be modified, added or deleted at any time which is a huge advantage.
With such a flexible model, PPC can be an extremly effective advertisement method that brings loads of targeted visitors to your affiliate link.
The most popular Pay Per Click networks are Google AdWords, Yahoo Publisher Network and Microsoft adCenter - ordered according to popularity.
Sample PPC Keywords:
Please be in touch! I want to get to know you, and I'll be very happy to help you with any questions you may have.
Contacting Us
We can be reached by contacting: